Kohl Labratory Test results

Toxtest Results

Analysis of a substance for
32 Metals, Metalloids and Minerals



Sample details

Cosmetic Powder Analysis

Eyeliner Powder



Note that while our Lab is NATA accredited for Metals, Metalloids and Minerals analysis of Water, Soil and Dust we are not accredited for medication analysis. Hence, while our lab uses the latest ICP-MS equipment and the highest standards possible, results should be considered indicative only for Medications.

Toxtest and EAL make no recommendations either, for or against, anything we test. We realise that testing drugs, supplements, vaccines and food for contaminants like heavy metals can be quite an emotive, sensitive and indeed, contentious issue. We simply allow prevailing evidence-based research to inform your results.


μg = microgram (1 millionth of a gram), mg = milligram (1 thousandth of a gram)

1 μg/gram = 1 mg/kg = 1 mg/Litre = 1 ppm ----------------------------------------






There are very few Australian guidelines for metals or even dangerous heavy metals in Personal Care and Cosmetic products. Recommended limits or guidelines for a few dangerous metals also vary widely around the world. See table below.

We have adopted the EU (German) limits/guidelines as they are the most sensitive and this is in part because children can often be exposed to these heavy metals if present in the Cosmetic/Personal Care Product.



To Kohlbra

We can confirm that Lead content of 0.33 ppm in the product Kohl Eyeliner is within the safe

limit and under the required limit of lead as per many international standards. This is based

on test report from Chem-Chrom & Toxtest batch number 02441-04-24



Standards Reviewed:

• Therapeutic Goods of Administration (TGA), TGO 101 for capsules and oral

products, limit of Lead is 5ppm.

• Gulf Technical Regulations, Lead limit if 10ppm

• Europe, while don’t have the limit, According to Article 17 of Regulation (EC) No.

1223/2009, even the unintentional presence of heavy metals in cosmetic products is

only permissible if this is technically unavoidable in good manufacturing practice


Every time kohl is produced, it is sent to a laboratory for testing, however all tests and production vary. On our latest batch, a tiny trace of lead was detected which resulted in the removal of the “Lead free” label. Kohlbra kohl lead PPM is 0.38 meaning it is almost non-existent which has passed the international guidelines of FDA and resulted in safe to use.










Please watch to understand about lead






Nikhil Kamani


R2 Pharma Solutions & Toxtest

Lead Consultant